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Gay C.
Gay C.
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5 Health Benefits of Fishing

Posted by Kelvin Adikwu on

5 Health Benefits of Fishing



If you are here then I’m guessing I don’t have to sell you any more than you are already sold on the wonders of fishing. Chances are that you already love or at least like heading out to the water, fishing reel in hand, ready to lure whatever’s biting down on the other end of your reel.

And you won’t be the only one who loves fishing enough to care what health benefits they offer. I can almost guarantee there are at least 20 other people in the Veteran Merchandise family reading this blog post this very minute, just like you.

And that’s because fishing is one of the most popular recreational activities in the world, and every year, the number of new anglers grows.

But did you know that fishing is not just an enjoyable pastime?

That’s right! Fishing provides a wealth of emotional, mental and physical benefits as well. In fact, these benefits will often outlast that one fishing trip you should definitely take after reading this.

No seriously… after reading these 5 reasons, please go fishing. You’ll be glad you did!

Here are 5 reasons why you should go fishing PLUS how to stay safe while at it



Spending time in nature helps reduce your blood pressure.

Maybe it’s all the chemicals we have laying around in our houses. Maybe it’s the limited natural air or even our primordial instinct that causes our body to feel rejuvenated when we go outdoors – perhaps that’s why there aren’t many wild animals dealing with blood pressure issues!

While the exact reason this happens is yet unclear, what is clear is that spending time fishing outdoors helps reduce your blood pressure.

Hypertension or high blood pressure is usually followed by certain health problems, which increase your chances of having a stroke or a heart attack. And while there are medications doctors can use to help reduce blood pressure, many have negative side effects. Fishing has no side effect – except in cases where you do it wrong!

Fishing enthusiasts know how not so fun it is to go fishing with the wrong reel. You’d look odd when everyone else is reeling in a catch because they’ve got the right type of reel and lure and yours keeps snapping!



Either way, you don’t have to be a master fisherman or spend 8 hours on the water for fishing to have a positive effect on your blood pressure.  This activity should take about 30 minutes every week to improve blood pressure as well as your overall health.


You burn calories in a low-impact manner when fishing.

Here on Veteran Merchandise, we are big on losing a few pounds and getting more exercise. In fact, in 2013, a study found that 80% of American adults do not get sufficient amount of exercise weekly. For most people, inactivity will lead to obesity but that’s just the simple issue. It’s the cardiovascular problems, depression and other illnesses that are the real pain in the rear.

Fortunately, fishing can help you fight depression as a hobby and prevent other outcomes of obesity.

No, you won’t burn many calories while sitting on a dock with a cane pole and doing 12-ounce curls with your favorite beverage. But if you are actively fishing, you can end up burning about 200 calories per hour (even more when fly fishing in a stream), which can be significant.

Be sure to measure how many calories you burned with a fitness activity tracker like the VM6 Elite

You’re sure to lose a few pounds if you are fortunate enough to hook up a true giant. All that energy you’ll expend battling it to the boat, shore or kayak is worth recording and the VM6 Elite is the perfect activity tracker to do just that.


Fishing is a great way to spend time with your friends and family.

As you get older, you realize there is nothing that means more than family. Spending time with our loved ones is priceless, and going fishing is a great opportunity to make that family/friend fun time happen. Whether you’re bringing along your spouse, a good fishing buddy, or your kids, you are sure to have a great time fishing with the ones you love.



For the avid fishers, be sure to focus on having a fun trip with your companions. While you may not have your usual fishing success, the love, smiles and hearty laughter you’ll hear will make up for it.

Finally, when you are out fishing, you want to protect yourself from the sun and mosquito bites with a custom mosquito net fishing hat that covers the whole facial area.


Fishing helps your brain stay sharp as you age.

Unfortunately, as we get older, memory problems and a generalized cognitive decline is an issue we’d have to deal with. However, challenging your brain with mentally stimulating activities like fishing is a great way to keep your brain operating at light-speed and by extension healthy.

Fishing is a hobby that often presents myriad mental challenges with each catch requiring creative and innovative solutions.

Harvard Health Publications provides an overview of 7 great ways to combat cognitive decline. Check it out and learn a thing or two. Heads up: It will make you consider fishing more.

For example, some tips you’ll find in there recommends you use all your senses, have confidence in yourself and keep learning – all of which you’ll need to fish the right way.

Already considering fishing? Don’t procrastinate. Get a great fishing reel and make it happen!


Sun exposure helps boost your immune system – just don’t get too much of it unprotected!

Exposure to sunlight does more than just enhance our mood, it also bolsters our immune system.

Most of the immune-system boosting effects sunlight provides is as a result of the production of Vitamin D. Our bodies synthesize these when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D also plays an important role in bone formation and helps the body use the calcium present in our bloodstream.

With all the benefits you get from sun exposure, you want to be proactive and slap on some sunscreen when going fishing as well as protect your facial area with a custom mosquito net fishing.

There are tons of other benefits of fishing which will help you become a healthier, happier person. We would love to hear your opinion in the comments.

What kinds of mental, emotional and physical benefits do you derive from fishing?

Veteran Merchandise

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